Live Tenders
Save your most valuable time on obtaining quotes by putting your tender requirements for marquees, covered stages,generators, toilets, fencing, temporary roadways, temporary footpaths,tables, chairs, dance floors, lighting and everything else you require, on the MHTO site. At the Marquee Hire Trade Organisation and the accredited members that are regularly audited can view and quote on your requirements.
It is an absolutely free service for you. The contractor members cover the costs.
You can have your say on how contractors work, so effectively contractors will be working to the Code of Practice that you have helped put in place. And we will be regularly auditing contractor members to your specifications, and the best part of that is that the contractors pay the costs (by way of membership fees) you do not.
You will save time on obtaining quotes by putting your total event procurement requirements on the site once and receive many quotes back from all different contractor types, as well as different size of contractor.
You will be able to save money on your event procurement.
We are projecting by the end of 2008 to have 300+ ACCREDITED contractor members that will be able to tender on your requirements.
There is also a section for last minute tendering, for the times that you require additional equipment at short notice.
We are not asking you to just use this service to procure event hire equipment. What we are asking is, as this service costs you nothing, “give it a go” as well as using your existing methods of procurement, and
see how you get on with the quotes that you receive.
If you do save time and money and achieve better standards of professionalism from the MHTO accredited contractor members that you award contracts to, then you will use the service.
All members and non-members that visit the site cannot see any of your contact details or name, so you will not be subjected to any telephone calls or mail through the post.
Once you have submitted a tender it cannot be changed as it may have already been quoted on.
Finally, if you have any opinions or views on how to make the tender process quicker and easier as well as what additional equipment options you would like to see, e.g. crowd control, catering. then please contact us.