2.08 Lighting & Electrics
Electrical installations should be installed, tested and maintained in accordance with the provision of normative standards or national guidelines such as the IEE Regulation for Electrical Installations. Work on electrical installations and appliances should only be carried-out by competent persons.
If the event is open during hours of darkness, then external as well internal lighting is to be used to cover the approaches, entrance, structure, exits and to allow people to leave the event safely. For larger events this lighting must be capable of being powered independently of the central source of power (BS 5266)
Emergency exit lighting is also to be used that is maintained (i.e. stays on all the time) and has a battery back up power source to comply with BS 5266.
For hours in daylight exits are to be clearly indicated by pictorial exits signs as least 125 mm high complying with the Health & Safety [Safety Signs and Signals] Regulations 1996 or British Standard 5499: Part 1 must be illuminated or be of the self-luminous type.