2.01 Important Notes On Client Usage
As a responsible person, the marquee user or event organiser should ensure that when equipment is installed, and dismantled it should be done in a safe fashion so not to endanger ANYONE.
Contractor members of MHTO are vetted on criteria for joining.
Contractor Members of MHTO are audited at their base for:
- Confirmation that they adhere to legislation on
– Fire safety – risk assessment and emergency evacuation drill register
– Asbestos – survey and register - Health and Safety Policy
- Employers and public liability insurance
- Confirmation of H&S risk assessments
- Confirmation of in house H&S training and documentation
- The presence of the appropriate PPE
- The wearing of the appropriate PPE
- The equipment stored safe and orderly
- Adequate staff welfare facilities
- Management attitude to H&S
- First aid box
- First aiders
- Mechanical handling equipment service records
Accredited contractor members are audited on site regularly to the above as well as the following:
- The presence of the following paperwork
– Staff training manuals
– Generic risk assessments
– Site specific risk assessment
– Tool box talk
– Weather forecast
– Sign over sheets - Working to industry standard safe working practices
- Finishing the equipment to industry standards for public safety
When contractors fall below par on the above issues they will lose points and ultimately accreditation.
This section is here to help you by pointing-out areas that one should look at when running an event with the use of marquees and associated equipment.
You can place your requirements for all of our event procurement onto the MHTO site and be quoted by accredited contractors that will be working to safe and thorough procedures and practices.